One common misconception is that water will kill a pest infestation. Insects can drown, but it’s harder to kill them with water than other living things. They must be submerged for long periods of time. You have to remember, insects live outside and when it rains or you turn on the sprinklers for that matter, their homes and nests become flooded regularly. They have found ways to adapt to being drenched and their habitats being swamped. If you spot a black mass of infesting ants on your sidewalk while you are watering your flowers, you might think that spraying them with your hose and soaking their home would kill them, but all it does is scatter them temporarily. Sure, you might kill a bunch of them, but when a nest has thousands or millions of ants, water won’t cut it as a pest control method. Just wait, they’ll be back tomorrow. That is essentially how it is with most insects. Water won’t deter them, they’ll return again.
Why doesn’t water kill insects?

Green Pest Services for effective removal

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