The Amazing Power of Ants

The Amazing Power of Ants

Amazing Ants

Ants are unique creatures with a variety of odd talents and amazing abilities. From their insanely massive populations to the intricacies of the way they operate, these pests are truly an amazing force of nature.

Astronomical Numbers

On Earth today, there are approximately 1 quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) ants, made up of 12,000 different species. With such an insanely large population, these pests actually massively outnumber all other creatures on our plant. In fact, in comparison, there are only a mere 7.85 billion (7,850,000,000) humans alive today.

Stunning Strength

The average ant is born with absolutely jaw dropping strength with respect to their size. In studies published in the Journal of Biomechanics on Allegheny mound ants, it was discovered that these ants can withstand pressure between 3,400 and 5,000 times their own body weight before succumbing to the force. Comparatively, the average human would have to be able to lift about 45 monster trucks to match this strength.

Long Live the Queen

Amazingly, prehistoric species of ants have been found to exist as far back as 120 million years ago. Along with roaches and mosquitos, this makes them some of the most resilient and oldest known pests on Earth. But their longevity doesn’t end there…

Many ant colonies can exist for a shocking number of years; a feat that is made possible all thanks to their queen. Depending on the particular species, as well as the conditions in which she lives, the average queen ant can live between 10-30 years. While worker ants live significantly less long (1-7 years on average), the colony as a whole will survive as long as the queen does.

Remarkable Organization

Not only are ants able to operate within massive populations, but they also manage to organize themselves in a way to avoid one of the most common annoyances of the developed human world: traffic. When examined, ants can be seen forming lanes as they move about, adjusting their movements accordingly to continue the flow of movement and avoid traffic jams. While some ants are heading back to the colony with food and provisions, others are heading out to forage. Those that are homeward bound are often carrying loads, making it more difficult to maneuver. As such, if two ants are headed for collision, the one not burdened with items veers left or right, allowing the returning ant to take the center lane of traffic. This happens on repeat, forming a dedicated center lane of returning ants and typically two bordering lanes of ants leaving. As a whole, these ants manage to form three lanes of organized traffic contributing to the flow of a remarkable mass pattern within their colony.

Powerful Ants, Powerful Treatments

While we respect the massive power of these incredible creatures, it still does not make them any more welcome in our homes. These little insects can come in the hundreds and love to raid both businesses and houses alike, taking advantage of the shelter, food, water, and warmth they provide. As such powerful creatures, when you need to send them an eviction notice, you need equally powerful ant control. Call us today for more information on how we can help you purge those powerful pests.


Ants Can Lift up to 5,000 Times Their own Body Weight (2014) Entomology Today. Available at: (Accessed: April 22, 2021).

Cetintas, R. (1998) Chapter 34: Longest Adult LifeThe University of Florida Department of Entomology & Nematology. Available at: (Accessed: April 22, 2021).

C, R. (2018) How Many Ants Live on Earth and # More Interesting Ant Available at: (Accessed: April 7, 2021).

Current World Population (no date) Worldometer. Available at: (Accessed: April 22, 2021).

Hanson, Ph. D., J. (2016) Why Don’t Ants Get Stuck in Traffic?YouTube. It’s Okay to Be Smart – PBS Digital Studios. Available at: (Accessed: December 2020).

Scientists discover 120 million year-old ant (2008) Reuters. Available at: (Accessed: April 22, 2021).