When the weather warms up, it’s wonderful to see the blossoms bloom, grass turn green and your yard become a growing haven once more. As you browse the plants in your local plant nursery, there’s some you might consider using around your home this year and every year. There are many tricks and tips to keeping your home and yard pest free and one such trick is planting bug repellant plants. Using these to control pests, cuts down on the amount of chemicals and treatments needed to keep them from your home. Everyone likes natural, cost effective solutions, right? Well this is one of them! Here are some examples of bug repellant plants you can grow this spring:





Keeping your home pest free throughout the year will prevent damage and frustrating infestations. These and many other plants such as marigolds, garlic, bay leaves, dill, and chives will encourage a pest free environment. But if these don’t work and you find your home crawling with constant pest activity, call Green Pest Services for family friendly and environmentally safe pest control. We are happy to serve our customers and look forward to hearing from you!
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