When you think of insect lifespans, your mind might immediately go to wintertime and how all the bugs you see in the summer are gone. Most insects die off when the weather gets cold. There are a few that hibernate, like flies and ladybugs, and they will last through the winter. Once it warms up they come out of hibernation, but that means their maximum lifespan is a few months over a year. There are insects that live much, much longer.
The Queen of the Termites:


Splendour Beetles:

Green Pest Services
Whether they live 50 years or a few months, if you have pesky insects ruining your home or disrupting your relaxation, there is a solution to get rid of them. When you call Green Pest Services, you know that you are getting the professionals of pest control. Our technicians are certified, pest removal experts. We can treat your home or yard for any pest, and we do it in a way that is safe for you and your family. We protect the environment and will help you protect your family and home from infestations. When you want real pest control, you need Green Pest Services.
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