If you took all the insects in the entire world and weighed them, then weighed all the humans, the total amount of bugs would be more than 300 times greater. All those creepy crawlies add up. With over 1.8 million different insects, and millions of other unknown species, there has to be some crazy quick bugs. These are some of the fastest bug brought to you by your friends at Green Pest Services.
Fast in Flight:
When it comes to air speed, dragonflies are the fastest recorded critter. They can fly at a top speed of 35 miles per hour. The average dragon fly can go faster than the fastest human on the planet. It can keep pace with mountain bikes. Dragonflies are so quick that they capture 95 percent of their prey. That might not sound that amazing until you compare it a great white shark which reaches 50% or a lion that will skim by with 25%. If you are an insect, the last think you want is a dragonfly on your tail, because you will be lunch.
Fastest on Foot:
When you think of fastest running animals, a cheetah might come into your mind. It might be quick, but there is an insect that is much faster. Paratarsotomus macropalpis is a mite that is smaller than a sesame seed on your hamburger. This mighty mite might be tiny compared to the cheetah, but it is blazing fast. In order to demonstrate the speeds of something so large with something so small, we need to compare how fast they run a body length. A cheetah can run 16 body lengths in a second. The fastest human can reach a speed of 6 body lengths in a second. The tiny mite reaches a blazing 322 body lengths per second. If the mite was the size of a human it would be running at 1,300 miles per hour. That is just a few miles per hour slower than a jet.
Fastest Procreators:
Green Pest Services
These bugs might be fast, but we are even faster. If you have an insect uprising in your home or apartment we are your solution. Our technicians know and understand pests. When you want pesky pests out of your yard and home, you need to call Green Pest Services.
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