Bethesda Bed Bug Control
Bed bugs spread from host to host via clothing they may come in contact with through sources like luggage, hotel rooms, or even public transportation or the seats of a movie theater. A bed bug infestation can be extremely hard to combat. If you are experiencing a bed bug infestation contact a northern Virginia bug control expert immediately. The Bethesda bed bug control experts at Green Pest Services offer you these tips on identifying and preventing bed bugs:
Bedbugs are making a comeback. They can travel travel both domestically and internationally. Not only are bed bugs an annoyance, but some people may also be sensitive or allergic to their bite. Bed bugs feed on the blood of their hosts, often biting someone while they are asleep. They’ve also been known to also bite during the day when the host may be sitting still on infected furniture. Bed bugs can spread to your home in northern Virginia from a variety of sources.
Bed Bugs Reston
One of the most common ways an infestation of bed bugs is spread to your home is by sleeping in a hotel that may have bed bugs. Other common ways are via luggage, on clothing from someone who is in an infested home, or riding public transportation. Bed bugs don’t discriminate. Many people believe they are found in impoverished areas, but the’ve been discovered in clean, upscale homes and hotels. The experts at Green Pest Services are highly experienced with infestations of bed bugs in northern Virginia.
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All of our pest control products we use are Eco Friendly and safe for the environment.
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Our products are pet-safe and our Techs love getting that special welcome from their friends.
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Rest Easy. Our products are safe for the full family, even that new little addition you might have.
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We love our customers and they showed us the love with over 12,000+ 5 Star Reviews.
Maintained Plans
With Green Pest Services Quarterly Service you’re protected from pests 365 days a year.
Bed Bugs Northern Virginia
If you live in Northern Virginia and suspect you may have bed bugs or are having trouble determining if you are experiencing an infestation, contact the Bethesda bed bug control experts at Green Pest Services today. Here are some great tips from our pest control professionals on preventing infestations of bed bugs in your home or commercial property: Keep areas around your bed clean Change bedding at least twice per month, more if possible After traveling, carefully inspect your clothing Remove all clutter in and around your home Clean regularly and eliminate hiding places for bugs Ask hotels about their bed bug inspection policy Inspect and clean used furniture The experts at Green Pest Services have the experience and expertise you need to combat an infestation of bed bugs in your home or commercial property. If you suspect you are experiencing a bed bug infestation.

Sealing Cracks

Removing Clutter & Garbage

Removal of Standing Water

Proper Disposal of Food

Keep Home Clean

Dehumidifying the House
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Award Winning Service

“I have been using Green Pest Services for 4 years and am very happy with their service. They treat inside and outside of my house quarterly and re-treat as needed at no additional cost. I also like that their products are environmentally friendly. I highly recommend Green Pest Services to others!!!” -Linda
– Linda
Chantilly, VA
Feel Good About Your Pest Control
Critters and insects don’t belong in your home, no matter how much you love nature. But that doesn’t mean your pest control technician has to wipe out half the neighborhood as a response. With our knowledge and experience, you’ll get a quicker, healthier result than many other pest control companies can provide. And with our prevention methods, you won’t be seeing pests in your home.
So if you want those ants out of your kitchen, those mice out of your closet, those bed bugs out of your sofa, we are your Alexandria pest control experts. We will keep you and your home safe from both pests and chemicals. Give us a call today to set up an appointment.

“I have been using Green Pest Services for 4 years and am very happy with their service. They treat inside and outside of my house quarterly and re-treat as needed at no additional cost. I also like that their products are environmentally friendly. I highly recommend Green Pest Services to others!!!” -Linda
– Linda
Chantilly, VA
Feel Good About
Your Pest Control
Critters and insects don’t belong in your home, no matter how much you love nature. But that doesn’t mean your pest control technician has to wipe out half the neighborhood as a response. With our knowledge and experience, you’ll get a quicker, healthier result than many other pest control companies can provide. And with our prevention methods, you won’t be seeing pests in your home.
So if you want those ants out of your kitchen, those mice out of your closet, those bed bugs out of your sofa, we are your Alexandria pest control experts. We will keep you and your home safe from both pests and chemicals. Give us a call today to set up an appointment.