It’s almost winter which means it’s almost time for family, friends, and copious amounts of hot chocolate. Even better than that, bugs and pests go into hibernation where they belong or so you think. 

The cold weather won’t keep some species of critters away. In fact, they can’t wait to get out of the freezing snow and into your home. Of course, the best way to deal with these winter bugs is to catch them before they’ve made roots in your house.

Keep reading for a complete list of pests that may try to participate in holiday festivities with you. 

1. Mice  

Mice are cute until they decide that they want to make lunch out of the lights on your Christmas tree. On top of chewing up your cables, they’re also known to take small chunks out of drywall, spread diseases, and contaminate the food in your pantry

The best way to get rid of them is to stop them from getting into your home in the first place. They will try and take refuge in your house because it’s warm and they can slip in through the smallest cracks. 

You’ll need to do a sweep through of your home and seal up any possible openings with caulk. If you have any cardboard boxes laying around, you should get them off the floor. Mice like to both hide in them and make nests out of them. 

Stay on top of it by inspecting your home for signs every so often. Look for gnaw marks, damaged food, droppings, and noises like scratches and squeaks. 

2. Norway Rats 

Norway rats also carry diseases and knaw on a lot more than the common household mouse. They like to dwell in basements and piles of trash. Both make a warm refuge when there is snow on the ground. 

Similar to household mice they can fit in really small openings in your home. So, again, go around and caulk up any cracks or holes you see to keep them out. Norway rats like moisture so as long as you keep your basement dry you may not see them. 

Keep a jump on them by looking for signs of them. The biggest red flag that they’re there is grease marks. Their fur leaves them on anything that they brush up against. 

3. Winged Carpenter Ants 

What’s more terrifying and annoying than ants? Ants with wings. Having them in your home during the winter is not a good thing either. 

You see, during the warmer months if you spot one or two it means that you may have a few in your home. If you spot one or two in the winter then there is most likely a nest somewhere. 

If they’ve made a winter refuge out of your home you’ll notice a bunch of saw wood laying around. The ants don’t eat wood but they do chew tunnels through it. You may notice a few wings laying around and damaged wood as well. 

4. Cluster Fly 

You may end up swatting a few of these in the spring and summer months but it won’t be unbearable. If you get them in your home in the winter though, they can make you want to tear your hair out. 

They infiltrate homes in great numbers during the winter to get out of the cold weather. The good news that if they do get in your home, they won’t harm you or your property. They’re just annoying. 

Like mice, the best way to get rid of them is by stopping them from getting in your home in the first place. Spray the outside of your house with a residual spray in the fall.   

5. German Cockroaches 

If you see a cockroach in your home, chances are it’s the German kind. In the winter your home makes the perfect habitat for them. You’ve got all they need to survive like warmth, food, and moisture. 

They can come from about anywhere. You could bring them in on a grocery bag or if you happen to buy second-hand furniture of any kind. Regardless of how you get them though, you want to get rid of them as soon as you can. 

They can bring in bacteria, contaminate your food, and trigger allergies. To keep them away, make sure your floor is free of crumbs and you take out the garbage regularly. 

6. Brown Recluse Spiders

Brown recluse spiders like to hide in places that aren’t touched too often. They’ll make their way into your cupboards, attic, crawl space, and closets. It’s the perfect environment for them in the winter. 

It’s very important that you watch out for these spiders because their poison is dangerous. Make sure you keep trees and shrubs trimmed so they aren’t touching your home.

This will keep out many winter pests. Not only the brown recluse. If you have shoes and clothing items that you don’t use that often, place them in bags because these spiders have been known to hide in them. 

If you do manage to get a brown recluse spider bite, seek out immediate medical attention. Again, their venom is dangerous to humans.  

8. Raccoons 

Raccoons are a source of diseases such as rabies and if you let them, they’ll make their way into the attic for warmth in the winter. The main way they bust in is through your chimney or attic. 

So, this means that you have to cut them off from getting in. Install a mesh over your chimney. Make sure that you keep trees and shrubs trimmed away from your home so they can’t make it into your attic.  

Winter Bugs and Pests that You Should be Looking Out for

Even though the weather outside is frightful that won’t keep yourself safe from common winter bugs. Your house makes for the best environment for them. There is plenty of food and it’s warm. 

We hope that you’re able to use this guide to spot the pests before they become a problem and prepare yourself for the holiday assault. 

Has your home become a warm refuge for wintertime pests? Contact us to set up an appointment and ask about our services. 

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