Mud Dauber Wasps

Mud Dauber Wasps

Mud Dauber Wasps 101

Wasps are insects in the Hymenoptera order, but from there, they can vary somewhat drastically. More common wasps, such as paper wasps, are part of the Vespidae family, while other wasps are part of the lesser known Sphecidae or Crabronidae families. These wasps vary from Vespidae in both appearance, and their solitary nature.

The terms “mud dauber,” “mud wasp,” and “dirt daubers” are applied to several different wasps within the Sphecidae and Crabronidae families. The names make reference to the unique material the wasps use to construct their solitary nests. While normally fairly non-aggressive, these wasps can become rather agitated and attack when they feel threatened.


The appearance of mud daubers can vary depending on the species, but most of them have a very slender, thread-like waist called a pedicel that connects their thorax to their abdomen. They tend to be darker in color and some have yellow or orange markings, while others can even be bright blue. Mud daubers have 6 legs, a pair of antennae and range in size from about 12mm – 26mm long.


As mentioned above, mud daubers are solitary wasps that do not form intricate colonies. Female mud daubers construct their nests in high up locations but, depending on the sub-species of mud dauber, these nests can vary in size and appearance.

Black and Yellow Mud Daubers – tube shaped nests with holes for entry/exit

Organ-Pipe Mud Daubers – various tubes clustered together like an organ pipe

Blue Mud Daubers – this metallic-blue species occupies empty nests of other mud daubers


Mud daubers can feed on nectar but are particularly known for hunting and consuming spiders. These unique wasps will even pack their nests with dead and disassembled spiders as a food source for themselves and their offspring.


While mud daubers aren’t as outwardly aggressive as other types of wasps like yellow jackets or paper wasps, they can be dangerous and sting if disturbed. As such, it is important to steer clear if you ever come across a nest and be sure to call in the experts of wasp removal. At Green Pest Services, we can remove these wasp nests quickly and safely, so you don’t have to worry anymore. Call us today for more information on the removal of mud dauber wasps from your home.


Get Rid of Mud Daubers – Mud Dauber Stings, Info & More (no date) PestWorld. The National Pest Management Association. Available at: (Accessed: April 6, 2021).

Gibb, T. (2018) Mud DaubersPurdue University – Entomology. Available at: (Accessed: April 6, 2021).

Long, R. (2018) Why mud daubers are on spider patrolANR Blogs. The UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Available at: (Accessed: April 6, 2021).

Powell, E. and Taylor, L. (2016) Black and Yellow Mud Dauber – Sceliphron caementariumThe Entomology Department of the University of Florida. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Available at: (Accessed: April 6, 2021).