When you look out across the placid waters behind your cabin, you might wonder what insects are lurking just below the surface. If insects are included in a horror film, they are inevitably portrayed as villains. Indeed, even within the insect world, bugs are vicious remorseless killers. Before you dive right in, you might want to know what insects are sharing the water.
Good insects to find while swimming:
The Dragonfly: If you think that the mighty dragonfly is a creature of the air, think again. The dragonfly lives most of its life beneath the water as a nymph that eats hundreds of other insects. The largest dragonfly nymph will even eat a small fish. You have nothing to worry about this hungry larva. You are much too big and the dragonfly nymph will find smaller prey to fill its hunger. Dragonflies are good in both stages. They eat mosquitoes by the mouthful. Without the amazing dragonfly, the number of disease ridden mosquitoes would be infinitely grater. (And you thought the number of mosquitoes was bad now.)
Take Caution:
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