Is Winter Pest Control Actually Important?

Is Winter Pest Control Actually Important?

Summary: It’s a common belief that winter pest control isn’t necessary since the weather is too cold for tiny pests. This blog discusses the top reasons why winter pest control is actually important and necessary for every homeowner. The sections discuss survival skills, common invaders, pest infestation issues, weather patterns, and prevention methods. Green Pest Services provides year-round pest protection.

On the second day of 2025, two things are on our minds:

  1. It’s time to act on our New Year’s resolutions.
  2. Our beds are much warmer than the frigid weather outside.
    • On that note, why does it feel like our morning alarms go off earlier when the holidays are over?

But back to our first point. A common resolution is to take better care of our homes, whether it’s establishing a chore schedule or decluttering unnecessary items. One of the best ways to care for your home is to protect it from harmful circumstances, like bad weather and pest invasions.

That’s right: pest control isn’t just for current problems. Professional services are most effective when they’re implemented on a regular basis, rather than sporadically throughout the year. Pest control might not sound like a wintertime activity, but we would argue that winter is one of the top two seasons — along with summer — to receive services.

Let’s dive into our top reasons why winter pest control is essential for homeowners, even when Jack Frost is working hard outside.

Survival Instincts

This all boils down to the fact that every species of pest has to survive the winter in some way. If they didn’t, we wouldn’t have any more of that species! Every pest has its own way of making it through the winter so that its generations will continue to grow in the following warm seasons.

The most common methods pests use to survive the winter are:

  • Diapause — Similar to hibernation, this is when insects enter a resting state and slow their metabolism to the minimum rate required to stay alive.
  • Staying Active — If the pests are lucky enough to find a warm shelter, they can stay active and continue gathering food throughout the winter.
  • Remaining Eggs — Insect eggs are tough enough to withstand the cold, so many summertime insects (mosquitoes, aphids, etc.) lay eggs in the fall.
  • Saving The Queen — Eusocial insects (wasps, hornets, etc.) really just need their queen to survive, and she typically mates in the fall before finding a safe winter shelter.

It’s much easier to treat pests when they’re caught off guard. Once the pests are laying low for the winter, technicians can go in and eliminate them before they know what’s happening. By eliminating and preventing pests in the winter, you will see a reduced pest population come spring.

Warm & Cozy

Pests turn to our homes for shelter because the incoming cold will be too much for them to handle. They can enter diapause once they’re inside, but their tiny bodies would freeze immediately if they stayed outside. Winter pests are usually found in the lesser-used parts of the home (garage, attic, basement, crawlspace, etc.) since they have a better chance of going unnoticed.

The pests that force their way into houses and buildings are clearly determined to find a cozy shelter. We typically find these pests hiding from the frigid weather:

  • Rodents who chew through everything
  • Roaches who hitchhike on boxes or crawl through the plumbing
  • Termites who gnaw their way into the foundation
  • Spiders who need a warm, dark, and dry shelter to survive

Long story short, pests want warmth and protection from the elements. If you allow them to stay in your home for the winter, they’ll never leave. Winter pest control ensures that you’re not unknowingly hosting a pest family for the winter.

Protection From Persistent Pests

Winter pest control is, ultimately, protection from the most invasive pests. Guarding your home against creepy-crawlies is never a waste of money, especially if your house has a history of pest issues. Don’t wait for something bad (like an infestation) to happen before taking action and contacting pest control services.

Pest invasions are more than petty nuisances. They bring a world of risks to any building or house that they enter. The general issues that pests cause are health risks, structural damage, and hefty expenses. Preventative pest control is more beneficial than waiting for a major pest problem to present itself. In fact, the most relevant phrase here is “It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

Oh, How Fast The Weather Changes

Winter is not for the weak, so pests have to be attuned to the weather patterns in order to survive. It’s definitely cold here, but Virginia doesn’t have the harshest winters in the country. A long period of sunshine could confuse the pests and cause them to emerge from hiding earlier than they should.

Let’s look at it this way. When the snow melts and the sun continues to warm the ground, pests take these as signs that spring is here. The signs are true (eventually), but this can lead to their demise if they leave their shelter before the next winter storm hits. If your area experiences a mild winter, you might see pests earlier than other regions do. Your local technicians will be aware of this and will therefore be equipped to handle the surge.

Prepared Technicians

Speaking of knowledgable technicians, the professionals at your local pest control companies are prepared to solve your winter pest problems. They work with the weather patterns and adapt their treatment plans accordingly. For instance, a rainy day prompts the technicians to use either water-resistant or water-activated treatments, depending on the targeted pests.

Local technicians also know the most common species in your area. They should be well-aware of the pests’ habits, life cycles, and active times. This knowledge and experience make it easy for them to eliminate winter pest problems before they turn into spring pest nightmares.

A bonus is if you have the same tech every visit since they’ll really know the common pest problems that you and your neighbors experience. The key to winter pest control is efficiency, and that comes with the experience of your local professionals.

The Easiest Prevention Steps

All of that being said, professional treatments are much more efficient and dependable when they’re working in tandem with your own prevention methods. Don’t worry, you don’t need an official license or high-tech products to keep the pests at bay! The chores you probably do already are enough to eliminate a typical pest’s temptations. All it takes is a bit of extra effort and vigilance…

Our recommended tasks for preventing pests in every season are:

  • Fix leaks. Check your plumbing often for leaks. If you find any, mop up the water and fix the leak ASAP.
  • Clean the floors. Mop, sweep, and/or vacuum your interior floors on a regular basis.
  • Remove crumbs. Wipe up any crumbs and spills from meals, parties, and messy pets.
  • Trim back plants. Keep all plants and tree branches trimmed back from the house by at least 12 inches.
  • Seal entry points. Inspect your house’s windows, doors, and exterior for new holes. Seal small openings with caulk, and stuff larger ones with steel wool before lining with caulk.
  • Take out the trash. Use strong garbage bags for your kitchen trash can, and take out the trash when it’s full. Keep the lids to the outdoor cans closed when not in use.
  • Store food correctly. Don’t keep baked goods or snacks on the kitchen counter unless they’re in lidded containers. Store baking essentials (flour, sugar, etc.) in airtight containers.
  • Shake out your boots. In the colder seasons, shake out your boots before putting them on (spiders love hiding in these). Don’t store your boots outside for days on end.
  • Store firewood properly. Keep the firewood stacked at least 20 feet away from the house, and check each piece before you bring it in. You don’t want any termites hitchhiking inside!
  • Check for signs of an infestation. Always keep an eye out for early pest issues. Droppings, eggs, dead bugs, chewed items, discarded wings, and spiderwebs are common signs.

Start 2025 Off The Right Way With Green!

If you’re in need of year-round pest protection from local professionals, look no further than Green Pest Services! Our licensed technicians are ready to solve your pest problems with a customized treatment plan and our expert advice. We begin every service with a full property inspection, then use our findings to create a treatment plan that’s customized to solve each issue we find. We are committed to providing you with our standard 5-star services, rain or shine! Don’t let pests sabotage the new year by taking over your home. For a free quote on our reliable services, contact our team today!


Winter pests 101: Common pests that invade the home during the winter season. (n.d.). Pest World. Retrieved December 16, 2024, from