The weather doesn’t only affect you, it also affects insects, since the surrounding environment, and the ecosystem in which pests thrive changes as well. The weather conditions of the area where you live impact heavily on pests, and can determine the outcome of pest infestations in and around your home. Controlling pest infestations become harder when weather changes, especially during the winter months. You may assume that the cold weather decreases pest infestations, but with global warming and climate change it doesn’t work like that.

Warmer winters, increased temperatures, severe droughts, and increased precipitation has given rise to new species of insects and pests that can thrive in adverse weather conditions.

How Does Cold Weather Affect Insects?

Research conducted by the University of Illinois, revealed that all insects are cold-blooded, and this allows them to adapt their body temperature to the environment. However, insects that are common during summer can’t thrive and develop when the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. These insects will become dormant when the temperature falls below freezing, and some species even die out in freezing weather conditions.

On the other hand, springtime insects can survive temperatures around 20-degree Fahrenheit, and thrive at 50-degree Fahrenheit. This means that they aren’t bothered by freezing temperatures, but most insects die out during the winter, which means that there is less tree and plant damage. Insects that reproduce and grow during winter are scarce, but most species are adapting to the changing environment of the planet. That is bad news for homeowners, since there have been cases of pests migrating from warmer climates, and this invariably leads to an infestation.

How Does Mild Temperatures Affect Insects?

Due to the changing weather conditions, winters have become milder in some parts of the country, and this means that insects that generally died due to cold weather can survive. This leads to more insect maturation and reproduction, because these insects tend to mature faster in warmer weather. These insects will then move to invade homes, make colonies, and cause damage.

Mild weather conditions also reduce the natural enemies of insects, and helps them reproduce, which can become a major problem. If like most people, you are also concerned about the insect and pest population growth in and around your home in Virginia, then you need to get in touch of professional pest control experts, like Green Pest Services.

Dealing with Pests in Winter

When the winter months arrive in Virginia, insects and pests do the same thing that humans do. They look for a nice and cozy place where they can build nests, hibernate, and survive the winter months. This is the reason why most pests and insects will look to get inside your home, and that is why it is important you learn how to deal with pests in winter.

Here are some easy tips that will help you safeguard your home against pests and insects. While, it is no guarantee that such measures will prevent pests from getting inside your home, it will at the very least stop most insects from getting inside.

  • Trim the Bushes

The first step you should take is taking care of all shrubbery on and around your property. Trees, bushes, or plants will create a passageway for pests and insects to your home, which is why it is essential that you trim them down. Make sure that no branches or shrubbery is near your roof, doors, windows, and the foundations of your home. Insects are attracted to mulch, and most pests are attracted towards woodpiles, so ensure that you don’t have any near your home.

  • Close the Gaps

Rodents, spiders, ants, and other insects will enter your home through gaps and cracks around your home’s foundation, doors, and windows. Therefore, you should inspect all entryways leading to your home, and seal any gaps or cracks. You can add weather stripping and replacing the mortar to prevent any easy access inside your home for pests and insects.

  • Keep it Clean

You must ensure that your property is free from any filth, such as garbage, debris, trash, standing water, or litter around your home. Clean your garages, porches, and yards, and keep recycling bins and garbage cans well-sealed. Rodents and insects are attracted towards trash, so you must ensure that you keep all food containers, and wrappers well wrapped, and placed inside tightly shut trash cans.

Cleanliness inside your home is also important, since leaving dirty dishes in the sink, and leaving food out in the open is an invitation for all pests and insects. Make sure that you the inside of your home is clean, and you don’t have any water leakages, which attract roaches.

  • Change the Bulbs

Make sure that the bulbs in your home don’t attract flying insects. White light attracts insects, so consider changing your bulbs to a yellow-tint, so as not to attract mosquitoes, and other flying insects.

Eliminating Common Winter Pests

Most winter pests are persistent and crafty, and you will find that despite your best prevention efforts, they still managed to find a way into your home. To deal with pest control problems during winter, you need to eliminate the pests altogether. If the problem gets out of hand, you can always call in professional pest control experts in Virginia, like Green Pest Services.

However, you can deal with minor infestations on your own. Here is what you should do when it comes tom effectively getting rid of pests during winter in your home.

  • Rodents and mice

Rodents and mice are scavengers, so they are naturally drawn towards food. The first place to look for them is in the pantry or kitchen, and the best way to deal with them is eliminate their food source. You can set traps for killing them off, or you can keep a well-trained pet cat that will deal with mice and rodents whenever they sneak into your home.

  • Squirrels

Squirrels will break into your home if they can’t find food outside. They generally like birdseed, but will also get into your home if there are any holes, or cracks around your home. You can install chimney caps and vent screens to block the entry points of squirrels, and you should also trim the brushes and branches away from your home.

  • Winged Carpenter Ants

You should get rid of dead branches and trees in your yard, as it prevents winged carpenter ants from creating their nests. If you have firewood lying around, make sure that it is 25 to 30 feet away from your home, and fix any leaking faucets and pipes, since they are attracted to moist environments. Replace any decayed, damaged, or wet wood inside your home to prevent carpenter ants from nesting there.

  • Ants

Probably one of the most common household pests. Ants live in nests, are routine oriented, and very social, so if you notice any ants in or around your home, watch where they are going. They will lead you back to their nest, which is what you should aim to destroy, to get rid of all ants on your property.

  • Raccoons

Raccoons can also cause havoc on your property, even though they may look cute and cuddly. Don’t fall for their looks, since they are natural scavengers, and will forage through your garbage cans and bins. They are incredibly smart and can open them, so keep the lid shut on your garbage can. Even that can fail sometimes, since raccoons have been known to knock over garbage cans to gain access to food.

You should keep your pet’s food bowls and dishes inside the home, to prevent raccoons from eating that, as once they find a food source they will keep coming back for more. Trim all bushes and branches around your home, to prevent raccoons from getting onto your roof.

  • Cluster Fly

Replace all damaged window screens, to stop cluster flies from getting into your home, and seal all holes and cracks outside your home. Installing screens over your vents, will prevent them from entering from there, and replace all weather stripping on your windows and doors.

  • Fruit Flies

Don’t purchase vegetables or fruits that have bruises on them, and refrigerate any ripe or uneaten fruit inside your home. Fruit flies are attracted to fruits and vegetables, so make sure that you keep all perishable food items refrigerated. Repair the leaking faucets or pipes in your bathrooms and kitchen, and replace broken screens on windows.

  • Moth Fly/Drain Fly

You should clean all draining points for the kitchen and bathroom, like the toilets, sinks, and pipes to prevent any moth fly/drain fly from getting into your home. Use a septic cleaner for drains, so that it removes additional slime that becomes a breeding ground for them.

  • Cockroaches

Probably the most annoying pests to deal with no matter what season are cockroaches. You can use baits to deal with them, but keeping your home clean and tidy is the best way to prevent a cockroach infestation. Make sure that all bathrooms are clean in your home, with no leaking pipes, and faucets, while make sure that your garage and attic are clean as well.

  • Spiders

Dealing with spiders can be challenging, and the best way to deal with them is by eliminating their source of food, which are bugs. You can use sticky traps and glue boards to catch spiders, but spraying crevices and cracks with insecticide is the best way to deal with them.

Why is Winter Pest Control Essential?

Most people assume that once the winter months arrive, they don’t have to worry about pests anymore, since most of them die out during winter. However, pests have adapted to winter weather conditions, and due to global warming can better survive winter as well. Therefore, it is essential that you don’t stop your fight against pests, simply because winter is here. People in Virginia, must be vigilant when dealing with pests during winter, since there has been a surge of infestations in recent years, which have given numerous homeowners headaches.

While professional pest control services like Green Pest Services in Virginia, are always on hand to deal with pest infestations in all seasons, it is best to take measures to prevent pest infestations in your home. This means ensuring that your property is inhabitable for pests, and as uninviting as possible, so that you don’t have to deal with annoying pests.

Most winter pests love hibernating, so you need to ensure that all nooks, crannies, holes, and other entry points to your home are completely sealed. This will prevent these pests from finding ways to get inside your home, and hibernating during the winter months. Winter has already arrived in Virginia, so it is time that you set up pest prevention techniques in and around your house.

Taking preventive measures doesn’t guarantee that no pest will find their way inside your home, but it significantly reduces the odds of a pest infestation in your home. Once pests find their way inside your home, they will lay eggs, and create nests, which will become a massive problem. Pests and insects are a nuisance, and you don’t want to deal with them, when you’re cooped up inside your home, all nice and cozy and find out that you must deal with roaches, spiders, ants, bed bugs, or other pests.

Call Professional Pest Control Services in Winter

If you’re dealing with a pest infestation in Virginia during winter, get in touch with Green Pest Services. We deal with all kinds of pests, and have effective pest control services, combined with years of experience to eliminate all pests from your home. We use green products and techniques to get rid of pests, so that your surrounding environment isn’t compromised.

All you need to do is give us a call, and explain your pest problem, and our experts will offer you an initial free quote. Contact our professional pest control experts, and we will be on your doorstep to finish the job and deal with any pests infesting your home.

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