Autumn is here, and with it comes gorgeous fall leaves, the smell of pumpkin spice in the air, and cold nights that are perfect for staying cozy indoors. The only problem is, you’re not the only one who wants to stay warm and cozy in your house. Autumn is also known as the time of year that many insects are searching for safe, warm places to spend the winter, and you don’t want them hunkering down within the walls of your home.
These ‘overwintering’ insects aren’t dangerous — they don’t usually bite, sting, or cause great damage to your domain, but they are a huge nuisance. Some secrete foul odors, some damage plants and fabrics, and some may stain furnishings, but there are other potential problems as well. Even after a bug dies, its body can draw other pests that want to feed on it.
And, if that’s not disturbing enough, these insects can shed skins and leave other secretions and feces around your home, all of which can trigger asthma and other allergic responses. Also, although they typically live and reproduce outdoors, they invade your home when you provide indoor conditions that are better for reproducing than conditions outside. No one wants to think that their house is the local insect love shack!
To keep your home safe from pesky autumn invaders, you have to alter the environment and make it as inhospitable as possible for pests. Here are some things you can do to protect your house:
- Try to make sure all cracks and gaps in your home’s exterior are well sealed. You caulk, concrete, or screens on all possible entry points, which include cracks in the foundation, under siding, around doors and windows, vents, and places where utility lines enter.
- Keep approximately 2-4 feet of the ground outside of your home free from organic material. If you keep it plant-free with rock or gravel directly around your home, this creates a barrier between invaders and the structure. If you have organic materials, things like grass, soil, mulch, and leaves retain moisture which attracts insects. It also provides shelter and food for them.
- Use low-wattage, yellow “bug light” bulbs. By reducing outdoor lighting, you’ll reduce bug attraction to lights around your home. It’s also a good idea to shade windows and doors that that shine indoor light by using shades to keep bugs away from windows and doors of your home.
Of course, the best thing you can do is call the professionals at Green Pest Control. They’re trained in the safest, best ways to protect your home and family from all unwanted pests, any time of year.
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