Ant-agonized: 5 Reasons for Repeat Ant Problems
Ant-agonized: 5 Reasons for Repeat Ant Problems
The Buffet is Open
Ant colonies work like a well-oiled machine. Each ant has his/her own job and pace within their society fulfilling crucial roles that allow their colony to survive and thrive. Ants are also very social creatures, operating in tandem with their colony to create an impressive and highly functional society. So, when an ant finds food in one particular area, they can be observed returning to the food source time and time again, leaving behind invisible trails that lead their fellow ants right to the same source. Anytime food is left out, garbage is left open, dirty dishes remain in the sink, food is not properly closed in cabinets, and crumbs are left strewn about, you are at risk of scavenging ants continually finding their way into your home
Unclean Garbage Cans
As mentioned above, open, overfilled, and particularly smelly garbage can attract various kinds of pests, however, this is not the only way that garbage can lead to ant problems. Some garbage cans do not have liners, and even ones that do, sometimes the bags/liners tear or leak, causing a collection of potentially sticky, smelly, and rotting residue. Unclean garbage cans like this attract not only ants, but other pests as well. Due to this, it is important to occasionally clean out garbage bins, especially those that contained food in order to avoid rancid buildups and, thereby, avoiding the potential of ants returning to your home.
Exterior Attractants
Even during the colder times of the year, ants continue to forage. It is even common for ants to forage for food on days when the temperature is just above 50 degrees. So, if you have any potential attractants in your yard, you could be at risk of an ant problem ending up in your home. Some exterior attractants include, moss (which is a food source for ants), garbage cans nearby your home, open compost collections, and piles of wood. Wood piles are like a haven for pests. The pile provides shelter and warmth, inviting pests to come gather and build nests or homes, so it is important to take the proper precautions to prevent these pests from finding their way into your home. Wood piles, along with garbage and compost should be moved to a location at least 30 feet from your home if possible. This will deter ants from continually finding their way into your home.
Leaky Pipes/Faucets
Pests need moisture to thrive, and ants are no exception. As such, they are drawn to areas with humidity or pooling water. This can include basements, laundry rooms, and any areas where there may be leaky pipes/faucets and even blocked drains. Pooling water not only leads to more pests but can sometimes cause expensive damage to your residence. By patching up any leaky pipes and installing dehumidifiers in high moisture areas, you will reduce the likelihood of having repeat ant issues.
Tiny Cracks and Crevices
While keeping your house free of clutter, left-over food/crumbs, or general messes definitely helps to prevent ants, it is not necessarily fool proof. Ants are extremely persistent scavengers, making them extremely adept at sniffing out food sources even when food is scarce. So, even when you’re keeping clean, ants still may target your home. In such cases, if none of the other above conducive conditions are present its very likely that there are cracks or crevices that are allowing them easy access into your home. Check all of your walls (especially where the wall meets the floor), all windows, windowsills, window screens doors, and door sweeps. You can also check the utilities around your home, such as hose taps, electrical boxes, and dryer vents, for gaps or cracks that could lead into your home. Sealing these entry points can help ensure you don’t continue to fall prey to ant infestations.
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