What Is a Pest Control Plan? How to Create One for Your Business

What Is a Pest Control Plan? How to Create One for Your Business

Restaurants, cafes, and other businesses selling food items aren’t the only ones in need of a pest control plan. All business owners should have a plan to prevent possible infestations and other pest issues.

When it’s cold outside, raining, or even dry and hot, pests might look to your place of business for shelter, food and water, leading them to become unwanted intruders in your space. Even if you’re not serving food at your business, pests can still have major effects on your services.

What is pest control and why do you need a plan for it? Pest control both treats existing pest problems and works to prevent them from happening at all. A pest control plan will ensure that you’re always on top of any pest-related issues as the business owner.

Don’t let your customers witness a rodent run across the floor, and don’t subject your employees to health issues caused by pests. Continue reading below for ways to create your own pest control plan!

What Is Pest Control Planning?

Pest control planning means working with a local pest control service to ensure that your place of business is pest-free at all times. It is a proactive approach to dealing with pests instead of waiting for an infestation to happen. By creating a pest control plan now you can prevent extremely detrimental issues in the future.

If you’re already experiencing pest issues, contact a commercial specialty service as soon as possible to correct the problem and work towards preventing it from recurring.

How to Create a Business Pest Control Plan

Here’s what you need to know about creating the right plan for your business with the help of the professionals:

1. Have an Inspection Done

Depending on the type of business that you own, you might need to have weekly inspections done if not more. Weekly inspections are common for businesses that process food. If there’s food involved in your business, then there’s a higher chance that you’ll deal with pests.

If your business doesn’t process food, you should have the professionals come out and inspect your business and then tell you how often you’ll need them to come back out. The professionals will know the right schedule for your type of business.

2. Preventative Action

Once an inspection is done, there should be some preventative actions taken. There could be several different ways to prevent pests from entering your place of business. These preventative measures depend on what the inspection concludes.

For example, if there’s a hole, crack, or other point of entry in your building’s structure, then this will need to be sealed off (exclusion). The more you do to prevent pests from entering your home, the fewer services you’ll require throughout the year.

3. Identifying the Problem and Solution

The next step will then be to identify the pest that’s giving you problems. Different types of pests require different types of treatments. This is why it’s essential to know the exact species of a pest.

The professionals will know how to determine what kind of species it is and will understand the behavior patterns of this pest as well. You’ll then need to work with your pest service professional to determine why these pests are flocking to your business.

Are there sanitation issues? Are your incoming shipments infested before entering your business? The reason why pests want into your building is going to directly affect the solution.

4. Select a Treatment Route

The professionals will then come up with the best form of treatment depending on your specific situation. Green Pest Services will always choose a route that requires little to no pesticides. When a treatment plan can be created using no pesticides at all, this will be the first route taken.

For example, if a fly problem can be treated by placing fly traps at all entry points, then there’s no need to use a pesticide. However, when a pesticide is used, we pride ourselves on using the least amount possible. This is the best way to keep you, your business and everyone in it, and the environment safe while protecting against pests.

5. Schedule Routine Inspections

Unfortunately, it’s not enough to have pest control services come out once and be done. This is because, over time, new points of entry might appear or there might be a change in your business that welcomes new pests to enter. There are a few different reasons why pest control is something that should be scheduled on a consistent basis.

After having the professionals come out and assess the situation with you and put a plan into effect, be sure to ask about scheduling routine inspections. How often the professionals need to come out could depend on how bad the infestation was or the type of business you own.

Either way, the professionals will be able to answer any questions that you have and work with you to create a schedule routine that works best for you.

If You Own a Business, You Need a Pest Control Plan!

If you were wondering, “what is pest control,” we hope we were able to give you a full understanding of what it is and why you need it. If you own a business of any kind, you need to have a pest control plan set up to prevent future problems from occurring.

For a safe and professional plan of action, contact us today to see how we can help you!

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