As temperatures begin to rise in Bethesda, a certain hungry creature also begins to rise – from its cozy underground winter hiding place to the nearest wooden feast. Termite swarms are a big issue in the spring, and we want to make sure you have your facts straight. Here are the five most common myths about termites:
Myth 1: When trees are cleared out of an area for development, termites are automatically eradicated.
Fact: Most species of termites are subterranean, so chopping down trees above ground won’t affect them. When termites lose a food source, they simply go looking for a new one. Conveniently for them, that source usually appears when new homes go up in the area.
Myth 2: I can keep termites away from my home by keeping a lot of wood in my yard.
Fact: This is a dangerous misconception! Putting wood near your home simply draws more termites in and enables colonies to reproduce more quickly. When the scrap wood in your yard disappears, your home becomes the next thing on the menu.
Myth 3: My home is on a concrete slab, so it’s safe from termites.
Fact: Even brick homes with steel framing usually include some wood, and your concrete slab is not going to guard against it. Termites build mud tunnels through cracks in the concrete until they reach their woody destination.
Myth 4: I haven’t seen a swarm near my house, so I definitely don’t have termites.
Fact: Swarms are actually a rare sighting, occurring briefly a couple of times a year (usually in the spring). Don’t assume that if you haven’t seen the major signs of an infestation that you don’t need to have your home inspected regularly.
Myth 5: Termites aren’t a problem as far east as Bethesda.
Fact: Most people think that if they live outside the “termite belt” in the south, they are exempt from a termite infestation. The truth is, subterranean termites are found in every state in the U.S. except Alaska. That means that precautions are a good idea, even in Maryland.
Experts recommend getting your home inspected for termites every one to three years. Secure your largest investment this spring by calling Green Pest Services.
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