Pests During the Pandemic

Pests During the Pandemic

Staying at Home

While stay at home orders aren’t as strict as before, many of us are still coped up in our houses -slowly going stir crazy. But while our activities as humans have come to an abrupt haul, pests have pretty much continued business as normal, making pest control just as vital as it has always been. Interestingly, there have been a few notable changes regarding pests due to quarantine…

Increased Termite Recognition

With everyone staying at home, there has been a shocking increase in people noticing pest problems earlier than they ever would have before. In particular, the discovery of termites within homes has shot up significantly with 66% of pest control companies reporting that their customers are noticing signs that typically go unnoticed for months.

Timing is often key to identifying the presence of termites. So, by being home 24/7 the average person can pick up on the different subtle signs indicating an infestation. 42% of pest companies have recognized a moderate increase in termite calls over the last year, while 11% reported a significant increase.

A Decrease in Bed Bugs

Bed bugs operate by hitchhiking from location to location in order to find other hosts. These bloodsucking pests can befound in restaurants, movie theaters, schools, office buildings, hospitals, army barracks, public transportation and even hospitals. Since our country was put in lockdown in March 2020, there has been a massive drop in travel, not only within communities, but across states and even countries as well. In turn, we have seen a slight decrease in bed bug infestations.

Entomologist Studies an Invasive Ant Species

Entomologist Thomas Chouvenc Ph.D. noticed a small yellow species of ant at his home back in 2017, however, he never paid much mind it them until they began to bug him and his wife during their time at home in quarantine. “I started using the backyard as more than just a playground; this is a place of wonders and miraculous bugs,” said Dr. Chouvenc. Initially, the termite specialist assumed the ants were the common Wasmannia auropunctata (small fire ants), however, upon further inspection, he identified that the ants were actually Plagiolepis alluaudi (Alluaud’s little yellow ant).

This turned out to be quite the discovery, as these ants are native Madagascar and have never before been found in the United States. Dr. Chouvenc reflected on this discovery and more stating, “these dramatic times are not easy for anyone, but I am fortunate to have a backyard full of wonders to explore every day, which makes the quarantine easier on us all. With this opportunity, I was finally able to take the time to look closer at this new invasive ant species.”

Pest Control During a Pandemic

At Green Pest Services, we believe it is our responsibility to prioritize your health and well-being especially in the face of this tiring pandemic. We stayed open and functioning throughout 2020 to best support you, your family, and your businesses during the rough times, and we will continue to support you every way we can. If pests are bothering you in quarantine, we’re just one call away!


Chouvenc, T. (2020) During Quarantine, an Entomologist Takes a Closer Look at a New Invasive Ant SpeciesEntomology Today. Available at: (Accessed: March 23, 2021).

More Time to Notice Termites (2021) PCT – Pest Control Technology. BASF. Available at: (Accessed: March 23, 2021).

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