It’s that time of the year again folks! The time for giving, and Green Pest Services wants to be a part of it. For every LIKE our Facebook page receives from now until January 25, 2016, we will donate $1, up to $500, to the National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR)!

“The National Foundation for Cancer Research has funded scientific discoveries, medical advances and changes in technology that have revolutionized the way doctors treat cancer – all types of cancer,” said Chief Executive Officer of NFCR, Franklin C. Salisbury, Jr. “NFCR has long been a catalyst for the invention of the kinds of ‘disruptive innovations’ that are bringing hope and promise to patients suffering with cancer.”

The organization is committed to funding research and accelerating the pace in providing new treatments for patients who need them most.

We here at Green Pest Services want to do what we can in carrying out their mission of finding a cure for all types of cancer. So please, join us this year in giving a gift that keeps on giving. Happy Holidays from Green Pest Services!

Green Pest Services will award the National Foundation for Cancer Research on January 25, 2016.


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