5 Things that Make Your Home a Target for Pests

5 Things that Make Your Home a Target for Pests

1. Pets and Pet Doors

Pets that spend time outdoors or with other pets can put you at risk of coming across a number of pests, most notably tick and fleas. Luckily, there are various preventative treatments for both cats and dogs to avoid these pests. Products like Frontline Plus, K9 Advantix, and more all provide protection for pets against both fleas and ticks. Talking with your veterinarian can help you select the best preventative products for you and your furry friends.

However, in addition to this, any pet doors that are installed can provide pests with direct access to your home. These doors often have gaps and cracks around them, providing an opening to the house. Adding weather stripping to these pet doors can help prevent this, as well as regular exterior home treatments that will form a barrier around your home against pests.

2. Unkempt Yards

Many aspects of yards can be attracting pests to your home. The following are some of the most common yard/gardening problems and how you can treat them to give yourself the most protection against pests.

  • Dead Foliage and Leaves – These collect on the ground of your property can act as insulation against the cold weather, making it a prime spot for pests to hide. Remember to try to remove such piles from the ground to prevent an insect party from forming by your home. These leaves can also block our pest control treatments from effectively reaching the critters if left unattended.
  • Overgrown Bushes/Trees/Grass – Trim back any overgrown foliage, in particular, be sure to cut down any branches touching your home. These branches act like a highway for pests– taking them straight from your yard to your home. Furthermore, they can provide great hiding places or homes for pests.
  • Birdfeeders – Birdseed that collects on your deck or nearby the side of your home may be attracting rodents to your property, encouraging them to linger around, and even enter your home. Make sure the ground around your birdfeeder is kept as tidy as possible.
  • Mossy Messes – Moss is a food source for many species of ants and when it is present on your garden fence, logs, stumps, trees, etc. it could potentially be attracting more ants towards your home. Try your best to scrape up any moss in these areas.
  • Wood Piles – Whether its insects or rodents, are like a haven for pests, inviting them to come gather and build nests or homes. As such, it is important to make sure that wood piles are at least 30 feet from your home if possible. This will deter any pests that gather in that wood haven from entering your home and disrupting your life.

3. Accessible Food

Any sources of food that are not properly sealed can attract a variety of different pests. Such sources include:

  • Improperly sealed food in pantries
  • Dirty dishes being left out
  • Uncovered trash cans or compost (inside and out)
  • Crumbs/food scraps left on floors, tables, or counters
  • Liquid spills
  • Grease left on kitchen surfaces
  • Indoor garbage not regularly taken out

To avoid food related pest problems, it is important to regularly clean any areas where you have food, ensure that foods are properly stored in sealed containers, and dispose of food scraps properly.

4. Windows and Doors

Of course, when left completely open, doors and windows can both be major portals for pests to access your home. However, even when closed, if not properly maintained, these features can be primary entry points for pests. This can be due to tears/holes in screens, gaps and/or cracks around the edges, and damaged weather stripping and/or door sweeps. Repairing any damage and ensuring that these entry points are properly sealed will greatly reduce your chances of pests getting into your home.

5. Moisture

Pests require moisture to survive, so access to water can easily draw pests to your home and yard. These such sources of water include:

  • Clogged gutters or drains
  • Standing water sources (ie. outdoor bird baths, pet bowls, etc.)
  • Humid areas within the home
  • Leaking pipes, faucets, etc.

Repairing clogs and leaks, removing standing water sources, and installing humidifiers where necessary can all be amazing ways to reduce your chances of attracting pests to your home.

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